B.S. in Global Conflict Studies

Students will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the culture, society, economy, geography, politics, and history of a given region.
  • Critically evaluate the causes and nature of international, transnational, and intranational conflicts.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the global system and the recurring themes in international relations.
  • Analyze human security, its causes, impact, and the creation of sustainable societies.
  • Develop their abilities to critically assess information and effectively communicate their findings.
  • Work collaboratively to deliver research papers, professional presentations, and briefs.
  • Critically evaluate emerging and historical threats and opportunities associated with globalization.

General Education Requirements

For a full description of Embry-Riddle General Education guidelines, please see the General Education section of this catalog. These minimum requirements are applicable to all degree programs.

Communications Theory and Skills (COM 122, COM 219, COM 221 or COM 222 or COM 223)9
Humanities Lower level 3
Social Sciences Lower level3
Humanities or Social Science - Lower or Upper level *3
Humanities or Social Sciences - Upper level *3
Computer Science3
Physical and Life Sciences6
Total Credits36

GCS Core Requirements

UNIV 101College Success1
GCS Required Core Courses12
Introduction to Global Conflict Studies
Introduction to International Relations
Introduction to Research Methods
Capstone in Global Conflict Studies
Conflict Core (Select any 5 of the following, one of which must be 400 level)15
Coop Ed Global Conflict Studies
War, Terrorism and Diplomacy in Cyberspace
Human Geography
International Conflict Resolution
Gender Security
Political Violence
Theories of Nations and Nationalism
Transnational Crime
International Political Economy
Religion, Conflict, and Peace
Globalization and World Politics
Topics in Global Conflict Studies
World Philosophy
Comparative Religions
International Studies
Or any applicable upper-level course with permission from the GCS Coordinator
Regional Analysis Core (4 of the following; 3 of the courses must focus on a different region)12
Understanding the European Union
Modern Russian History
Russian-U.S. Relations
U.S. - Asian Relations
Contemporary Africa and the World
The Modern Middle East in World Affairs
Early U.S. Foreign Policy
Inter-American Relations
Government of the U.S.
U.S Military History 1775-1900
U.S. Military History 1900-Present
Current Issues in America
Modern U.S. Foreign Policy
Or any applicable upper-level course with permission from the GCS Program Coordinator
Science and Technology Specified Electives9
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Any 2 of the following courses
Foundations of Information Security
An Economic Survey
Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Geographic Information System Applications
Introduction to Environmental Security
Survey of Meteorology
Or any applicable course with permission from the GCS Coordinator
Policy, Program Management, & Communication Specified Electives (Any 2 of the following) 6
Principles of Management
Public Administration
Social Responsibility and Ethics in Management
International Business
Media Literacy
Introduction to News Writing
Mass Media and Current Events
Social Media Communication
Science and Technology Communication
Environmental Communication
Public Relations
Crisis Communication
International Space Policy and Law
National Security Enterprise
Critical Infrastructure Security, Resilience, and Risk Analysis
Maritime Security
Cross-Cultural Communication
Space Policy and Law - History
Or any applicable course with permission from the GCS Coordinator
Breadth Area30
Students are strongly encouraged to complete their breadth requirement by either two minors (minimum 30 credits total), or one minor and a "coherent block of credits" (minimum 30 credits total) which is determined with consent of GCS Program Advisor.

Classes from the Core cannot be utilized as part of a Minor or "Coherent Block of Credits". 

Total Degree Credits121

Students may not use Core courses to fulfill Upper Level Humanities/Social Science Requirement.

Freshman Year
CS 120 Introduction to Computing in Aviation 3
COM 122 English Composition 3
GCS 101 Introduction to Global Conflict Studies 3
MA 120 Quantitative Methods I 3
MA 210 Introduction to Data Science 3
PS 116 Foundations in the Sciences 3
SS 110 World History 3
U.S. History
SS 207 Introduction to Research Methods 3
GCS 115 Introduction to International Relations 3
HU 14X Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
Sophomore Year
COM 219 Speech 3
Physical Science Elective with lab 4
Upper Level Humanities Electives 3
COM 223 Intelligence Writing 3
Technical Report Writing
Business Communication
GEO 210 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 3
Conflict Core 6
Regional Analysis Core 6
Science and Technology Specified Electives 3
 Credits Subtotal31.0
Junior Year
Upper Level Social Science Elective 3
Conflict Core - 400 level course 3
Regional Analysis Core 3
Science and Technology Specified Electives 3
Policy, Program Management & Communication Specified Elective 3
Breadth Area 15
 Credits Subtotal30.0
Senior Year
GCS 490 Capstone in Global Conflict Studies 3
Conflict Core 3
Regional Analysis Core 3
Science and Technology Specified Electives 3
Policy, Program Management & Communication Specified Elective 3
Breadth Area 15
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 121.0