M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Students will:

  • Apply fundamental electrical and computer engineering professional practices to analyze, design, and implement electrical and/or computer systems.
  • Apply knowledge of advanced topics in electrical or computer engineering, as appropriate to their chosen concentration.
  • Communicate effectively on issues pertaining to electrical and computer engineering.

MSECE (Thesis option)

Core courses15
CEC 700Graduate Thesis9
or EE 700 Graduate Thesis
Total Credits30

MSECE (Non-thesis option)

Core courses15
CEC 690Graduate Project3
or EE 690 Graduate Project
Total Credits30

Areas of Concentration

Electrical Engineering

This area includes avionics, communications, power electronics, electromagnetic systems, computing systems, control systems, and systems engineering.

Core Courses for Electrical Engineering Concentration
EE 510Linear Systems3
EE 515Random Signals3
EE 525Avionics and Radio Navigation3
EE 620Digital Communications3
SYS 500Fundamentals of Systems Engineering3
Electives for Electrical Engineering Concentration *
Thesis Option, choose two; Non-thesis Option, choose four of the following:6-12
Introduction to the Finite Element Method
Engineering Optimization
Modern Control Systems
Engineering Project Management
Digital Signal Processing
Sensor Data Fusion
Image Processing and Machine Vision
State and Parameter Estimation
Digital Control Systems
Advanced Mechatronics
Modern Control Systems
Sensors and Data Links
Electro-Optical Systems
Satellite-Based Communications and Navigation
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
Human-Computer Interaction
Fundamentals of Optimization
Introduction to Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Sensor Processing with Applications
Modern Control Systems
Advanced Model-Based Control Design
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Software Engineering Discipline
Model-Based Verification of Software
Software Requirements Engineering
User Interface Design and Evaluation
Specification and Design of Real-Time Systems
Software Systems Architecture and Design
Software Quality Engineering and Assurance
System Safety and Certification
System Requirements Analysis and Modeling
Introduction to Systems Engineering Management
System Architecture Design and Modeling
System Quality Assurance
Organizational Systems Management
Total Credits21-27

Other electives may be approved by the degree program coordinator

Computer Engineering

This area includes the analysis, design, development and deployment of computer systems, particularly real-time, safety-critical, and high-reliability systems.

Core Courses for Computer Engineering Concentration
CEC 500Engineering Project Management3
EE 510Linear Systems3
EE 515Random Signals3
SYS 500Fundamentals of Systems Engineering3
SYS 505System Safety and Certification3
Electives for Computer Engineering Concentration *
Thesis Option, choose two; Non-thesis Option, choose four of the following:6-12
Introduction to the Finite Element Method
Engineering Optimization
Modern Control Systems
Digital Signal Processing
Sensor Data Fusion
Image Processing and Machine Vision
State and Parameter Estimation
Digital Control Systems
Advanced Mechatronics
Avionics and Radio Navigation
Modern Control Systems
Sensors and Data Links
Electro-Optical Systems
Digital Communications
Satellite-Based Communications and Navigation
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
Human-Computer Interaction
Fundamentals of Optimization
Introduction to Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Sensor Processing with Applications
Modern Control Systems
Advanced Model-Based Control Design
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Software Engineering Discipline
Model-Based Verification of Software
Software Requirements Engineering
User Interface Design and Evaluation
Specification and Design of Real-Time Systems
Software Systems Architecture and Design
Software Quality Engineering and Assurance
System Requirements Analysis and Modeling
Introduction to Systems Engineering Management
System Architecture Design and Modeling
System Quality Assurance
Organizational Systems Management
Total Credits21-27

Other electives may be approved by the degree program coordinator.