B.S. in Aviation Maintenance Science

Students will:

  • Evaluate aircraft performance using aviation mathematics and physics relevant to aircraft airworthiness.
  • Interpret and analyze written and electronic technical instructions.
  • Apply leadership and management principles in teamwork and supervisory roles.
  • Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior as maintenance technicians and supervisors.
  • Identify, analyze, and communicate trends in the aviation maintenance industry in written and spoken formats.
  • Use their education and training to engage in lifelong learning relevant to their work environment.
  • Apply knowledge of the aviation environment by accurately returning aircraft to service in various environments.
  • Direct the use of special equipment and tools in aviation maintenance practice.
  • Evaluate the efficiency of technical operations and recommend improvements.
  • Use their skill and technical competence to solve complex aviation maintenance problems.

General Education Requirements

For a full description of Embry-Riddle General Education guidelines, please see the General Education section of this catalog. These minimum requirements are applicable to all degree programs.

Communication Theory and Skills (COM 122, COM 219, COM 221)9
Lower-Level Humanities3
Lower-Level Social Sciences (PSY 101)3
Lower or Upper-Level Humanities or Social Sciences3
Upper-Level Humanities or Social Sciences3
Computer Science (CS 120)3
Mathematics *6
Physical Sciences **6
Total Credits36

Mathematics required courses - Maintenance Management AOC, MA 111 or MA 140 and MA 222. Avionics Cybertechnology and Security, Flight and Safety Science AOCs, MA 111 and MA 112.


Physical Sciences required courses - Avionics Cybertechnology and Security and Maintenance Management AOCs, any two lower level physical science courses with at least one laboratory. Flight and Safety Science AOC, PS 113 and PS 117 (One Laboratory required).

Aviation Maintenance Science Courses (leading to A&P certification)

AMS 115Aviation Mathematics and Physics2
AMS 116Fundamentals of Electricity4
AMS 117Tools, Materials and Processes4
AMS 118Aircraft Familiarization and Regulations2
AMS 261Aircraft Metallic Structures3
AMS 262Aircraft Composite Structures3
AMS 263General Aviation Aircraft Systems3
AMS 264General Aviation Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems3
AMS 271Aircraft Reciprocating Powerplant and Systems3
AMS 272Powerplant Electrical and Instrument Systems3
AMS 273Propeller Systems2
AMS 274Aircraft Turbines Powerplants and Systems4
AMS 365Transport Category Aircraft Systems3
AMS 366Transport Category Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems3
AMS 375Repair Station Operations3
AMS 376Powerplant Line Maintenance3
Total Credits48

Tuition for AMS courses is less than the other courses in the degree and is billed separately from the University block tuition. Contact Student Financial Services for additional information.

Avionics Cybertechnology & Security Area of Concentration 

AMSA 490Aviation Technical Operations3
AMS 380Radio Communication Theory & Application2
AMS 384General Aviation Avionics Systems Integration4
AMS 388Air Transport Avionics Systems Line Maintenance6
CS 223Scientific Programming in C3
CS 225Computer Science II4
CS 303Cryptography and Network Security3
CS 344C Programming and UNIX3
CS 427System Exploitation and Penetration Testing3
CYB 155Foundations of Information Security3
CYB 474Issues in Aviation Cybersecurity3
Total Credits37

Flight Area of Concentration

FA 121Private Single Flight1
FA 221Instrument Single Flight1
FA 321Commercial Single Flight1
FA 323Commercial Multi Add On1
AMSA 490Aviation Technical Operations3
AS 121Private Pilot Operations5
AS 221Instrument Pilot Operations3
AS 309Aerodynamics3
AS 310Aircraft Performance3
AS 321Commercial Pilot Operations3
AS 350Domestic and International Navigation3
AS 357Flight Physiology3
WX 201Survey of Meteorology3
WX 301Aviation Weather3
Total Credits36

Maintenance Management Area of Concentration

ACC 210Financial Accounting3
AMSA 490Aviation Technical Operations3
BA 201Principles of Management3
BA 225Business Law3
BA 232Techniques in Business Analytics 3
BA 314Human Resource Management3
BA 320Business Information Systems3
BA 324Aviation Labor Relations3
BA 325Social Responsibility and Ethics in Management3
BA 411Logistics Management for Aviation/Aerospace3
FIN 332Corporate Finance I3
MK 220Marketing3
Total Credits36

Safety Science Area of Concentration

AMSA 490Aviation Technical Operations3
SF 201Introduction to Safety and Health3
or SF 210 Introduction to Aerospace Safety
SF 205Principles of Accident Investigation3
SF 315Environmental Compliance and Safety3
SF 316Loss Control and Risk Management3
SF 320Human Factors in Aviation Safety3
SF 345Safety Program Management3
SF 365Fire Protection3
SF 462Health, Safety, and Aviation Law3
Choose one focus from the options below:9
Aviation Focus Course List:
Aircraft Accident Investigation
Propulsion Plant Investigation
Mechanical and Structural Factors in Aviation Safety
Aircraft Crash Survival Analysis and Design
Occupational Safety Focus Course List:
Introduction to Industrial Security
Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology
Industrial Safety and Health
Construction Safety and Health
Total Credits36

 Open Electives

Upper-Level Open Electives6

 Total Degree Credits

Total Credits126-127

Suggested Plan of Study 

Year One
COM 122 English Composition 3
COM 219 Speech 3
CS 120 Introduction to Computing in Aviation 3
CS 223 Scientific Programming in C 3
CS 225 Computer Science II 4
CYB 155 Foundations of Information Security 3
MA 111 Pre-Calculus for Aviation 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Lower-Level Humanities Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal28.0
 Credits Total: 28.0
Year Two
AMS 115 Aviation Mathematics and Physics 2
AMS 116 Fundamentals of Electricity 4
AMS 117 Tools, Materials and Processes 4
AMS 118 Aircraft Familiarization and Regulations 2
AMS 262 Aircraft Composite Structures 3
AMS 263 General Aviation Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 264 General Aviation Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
CS 303 Cryptography and Network Security 3
MA 112 Applied Calculus for Aviation 3
HU/SS Lower or Upper Level Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Year Three
COM 221 Technical Report Writing 3
AMS 261 Aircraft Metallic Structures 3
AMS 365 Transport Category Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 366 Transport Category Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 273 Propeller Systems 2
CS 344 C Programming and UNIX 3
AMS 271 Aircraft Reciprocating Powerplant and Systems 3
AMS 272 Powerplant Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
HU/SS Upper Level Elective 3
Physics and Life Science Lower Level Elective * 3
 Credits Subtotal29.0
 Credits Total: 29.0
Summer Session
AMS 274 Aircraft Turbines Powerplants and Systems 4
AMS 375 Repair Station Operations 3
AMS 376 Powerplant Line Maintenance 3
 Credits Subtotal10.0
 Credits Total: 10.0
Year Four
AMS 380 Radio Communication Theory & Application 2
AMS 384 General Aviation Avionics Systems Integration 4
AMS 388 Air Transport Avionics Systems Line Maintenance 6
AMSA 490 Aviation Technical Operations 3
CS 427 System Exploitation and Penetration Testing 3
CYB 474 Issues in Aviation Cybersecurity 3
Physics and Life Science Lower Level Elective * 3
Open Electives 6
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0

Only one PS lab (1 credit) is required for graduation.

Year One
AMS 115 Aviation Mathematics and Physics 2
AMS 116 Fundamentals of Electricity 4
AMS 117 Tools, Materials and Processes 4
AMS 118 Aircraft Familiarization and Regulations 2
COM 122 English Composition 3
COM 219 Speech 3
CS 120 Introduction to Computing in Aviation 3
MA 111 Pre-Calculus for Aviation 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Lower-Level Humanities Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Year Two
AMS 261 Aircraft Metallic Structures 3
AMS 262 Aircraft Composite Structures 3
AMS 263 General Aviation Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 264 General Aviation Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 365 Transport Category Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 366 Transport Category Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 271 Aircraft Reciprocating Powerplant and Systems 3
AMS 272 Powerplant Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
MA 112 Applied Calculus for Aviation 3
PS 113 Introductory Physics I 3
PS 113L Introductory Physics I Laboratory 1
 Credits Subtotal31.0
 Credits Total: 31.0
Year Three
AMS 273 Propeller Systems 2
AMS 274 Aircraft Turbines Powerplants and Systems 4
AMS 375 Repair Station Operations 3
AMS 376 Powerplant Line Maintenance 3
AS 121 Private Pilot Operations 5
AS 221 Instrument Pilot Operations 3
COM 221 Technical Report Writing 3
FA 121 Private Single Flight 1
FA 221 Instrument Single Flight 1
PS 117 Introductory Physics II 3
WX 201 Survey of Meteorology 3
HU/SS Lower or Upper Level Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal34.0
 Credits Total: 34.0
Year Four
AMSA 490 Aviation Technical Operations 3
AS 309 Aerodynamics 3
AS 310 Aircraft Performance 3
AS 321 Commercial Pilot Operations 3
AS 350 Domestic and International Navigation 3
AS 357 Flight Physiology 3
FA 321 Commercial Single Flight 1
FA 323 Commercial Multi Add On 1
WX 301 Aviation Weather 3
Upper-Level Open Electives 6
Upper-Level Humanities or Social Science Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal32.0
 Credits Total: 32.0
Year One
AMS 115 Aviation Mathematics and Physics 2
AMS 116 Fundamentals of Electricity 4
AMS 117 Tools, Materials and Processes 4
AMS 118 Aircraft Familiarization and Regulations 2
COM 122 English Composition 3
COM 219 Speech 3
CS 120 Introduction to Computing in Aviation 3
MA 111 Pre-Calculus for Aviation 3
College Algebra
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Lower-Level Humanities Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Year Two
AMS 261 Aircraft Metallic Structures 3
AMS 262 Aircraft Composite Structures 3
AMS 263 General Aviation Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 264 General Aviation Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 365 Transport Category Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 366 Transport Category Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 271 Aircraft Reciprocating Powerplant and Systems 3
AMS 272 Powerplant Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
MA 222 Business Statistics 3
PS 113 Introductory Physics I 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Year Three
ACC 210 Financial Accounting 3
AMS 273 Propeller Systems 2
AMS 274 Aircraft Turbines Powerplants and Systems 4
AMS 375 Repair Station Operations 3
AMS 376 Powerplant Line Maintenance 3
BA 201 Principles of Management 3
BA 232 Techniques in Business Analytics 3
COM 221 Technical Report Writing 3
PS 117 Introductory Physics II 3
MK 220 Marketing 3
HU/SS Lower or Upper Level Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal33.0
 Credits Total: 33.0
Year Four
AMSA 490 Aviation Technical Operations 3
BA 225 Business Law 3
BA 314 Human Resource Management 3
BA 320 Business Information Systems 3
BA 324 Aviation Labor Relations 3
BA 325 Social Responsibility and Ethics in Management 3
BA 411 Logistics Management for Aviation/Aerospace 3
FIN 332 Corporate Finance I 3
Upper-Level Humanities or Social Science Elective 3
Upper-Level Open Electives 6
 Credits Subtotal33.0
 Credits Total: 33.0
Year One
AMS 115 Aviation Mathematics and Physics 2
AMS 116 Fundamentals of Electricity 4
AMS 117 Tools, Materials and Processes 4
AMS 118 Aircraft Familiarization and Regulations 2
COM 122 English Composition 3
COM 219 Speech 3
CS 120 Introduction to Computing in Aviation 3
MA 111 Pre-Calculus for Aviation 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Lower-Level Humanities Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Year Two
AMS 261 Aircraft Metallic Structures 3
AMS 262 Aircraft Composite Structures 3
AMS 263 General Aviation Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 264 General Aviation Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 365 Transport Category Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 366 Transport Category Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 271 Aircraft Reciprocating Powerplant and Systems 3
AMS 272 Powerplant Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
MA 112 Applied Calculus for Aviation 3
PS 113 Introductory Physics I 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Year Three
AMS 273 Propeller Systems 2
AMS 274 Aircraft Turbines Powerplants and Systems 4
AMS 375 Repair Station Operations 3
AMS 376 Powerplant Line Maintenance 3
COM 221 Technical Report Writing 3
PS 117 Introductory Physics II 3
SF 201 Introduction to Safety and Health 3
Introduction to Aerospace Safety
SF 205 Principles of Accident Investigation 3
SF 315 Environmental Compliance and Safety 3
SF 330 Aircraft Accident Investigation 3
HU/SS Lower or Upper Level Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal33.0
 Credits Total: 33.0
Year Four
AMSA 490 Aviation Technical Operations 3
SF 316 Loss Control and Risk Management 3
SF 320 Human Factors in Aviation Safety 3
SF 335 Mechanical and Structural Factors in Aviation Safety 3
Aircraft Crash Survival Analysis and Design
SF 345 Safety Program Management 3
SF 365 Fire Protection 3
SF 375 Propulsion Plant Investigation 3
SF 462 Health, Safety, and Aviation Law 3
Upper-Level Humanities or Social Science Elective 3
Upper-Level Open Electives 6
 Credits Subtotal33.0
 Credits Total: 33.0
Year One
AMS 115 Aviation Mathematics and Physics 2
AMS 116 Fundamentals of Electricity 4
AMS 117 Tools, Materials and Processes 4
AMS 118 Aircraft Familiarization and Regulations 2
COM 122 English Composition 3
COM 219 Speech 3
CS 120 Introduction to Computing in Aviation 3
MA 111 Pre-Calculus for Aviation 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
Lower-Level Humanities Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Year Two
AMS 261 Aircraft Metallic Structures 3
AMS 262 Aircraft Composite Structures 3
AMS 263 General Aviation Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 264 General Aviation Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 365 Transport Category Aircraft Systems 3
AMS 366 Transport Category Aircraft Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
AMS 271 Aircraft Reciprocating Powerplant and Systems 3
AMS 272 Powerplant Electrical and Instrument Systems 3
MA 112 Applied Calculus for Aviation 3
PS 113 Introductory Physics I 3
 Credits Subtotal30.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Year Three
AMS 273 Propeller Systems 2
AMS 274 Aircraft Turbines Powerplants and Systems 4
AMS 375 Repair Station Operations 3
AMS 376 Powerplant Line Maintenance 3
COM 221 Technical Report Writing 3
HSI 215 Introduction to Industrial Security 3
PS 117 Introductory Physics II 3
SF 201 Introduction to Safety and Health 3
Introduction to Aerospace Safety
SF 205 Principles of Accident Investigation 3
SF 315 Environmental Compliance and Safety 3
HU/SS Lower or Upper Level Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal33.0
 Credits Total: 33.0
Year Four
AMSA 490 Aviation Technical Operations 3
SF 316 Loss Control and Risk Management 3
SF 320 Human Factors in Aviation Safety 3
SF 345 Safety Program Management 3
SF 355 Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 3
SF 365 Fire Protection 3
SF 410 Industrial Safety and Health 3
Construction Safety and Health
SF 462 Health, Safety, and Aviation Law 3
Upper-Level Humanities or Social Science Elective 3
Upper-Level Open Electives 6
 Credits Subtotal33.0
 Credits Total: 33.0