
B.S. in Pilot Operations

Students will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the essential operating systems of aircraft as they relate to fundamental pilot operations.
  • Apply scientific principles and programs related to aviation safety as they correlate with aircraft operations.
  • Develop foundational management knowledge and skills needed to achieve greater leadership opportunities within aviation flight organizations.
  • Apply fundamental concepts in national and international legislation and law as they pertain to the aviation industry.

General Education

General Education
Embry-Riddle courses in the general education categories of Communication Theory and Skills, Humanities, Social Sciences, Physical and Life Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science may be chosen from as listed, assuming prerequisites are met. Courses from other institutions are acceptable if they fall into these broad categories and are at the level specified.
Communication Theory and Skills
Any Communication Theory and Skills above ENGL 1069
Lower-Level Humanities (Any Lower or Upper Level Humanities)3
Upper-Level Humanities (Any Upper Level Humanities)3
Social Sciences
Any Social Science6
Physical Science
Physical Science6
Any College Algebra or Higher Math Series6
Computer Science
Any Computer Science3
Total Credits36


ASCI 121LAirmen Knowledge Test Preparation1
ASCI 121Private Pilot Operations5
ASCI 222Instrument Pilot Operations3
ASCI 333Commercial Pilot Operations3
ASCI 254Aviation Legislation3
ASCI 301Introduction to Air Traffic Control3
ASCI 309Aerodynamics3
ASCI 357Flight Physiology3
ASCI 412Corporate and Business Aviation3
ASCI 426Airport Management in ATM3
ASCI 491Operational Applications in Aeronautics3
AMNT 260Aircraft Electrical Systems Theory3
AMNT 271Airframe Systems and Applications3
AMNT 272Fundamentals of Aircraft Avionics3
AMNT 281Turbine Engine Theory and Applications3
AMNT 416Aviation Maintenance Management: A Global Perspective3
MGMT 201Principles of Management3
BSAS 320Human Factors in Aviation Safety3
BSAS 330Aircraft Accident Investigation3
BSAS 335Mechanical and Structural Factors in Aviation Safety3
BSAS 409Aviation Safety3
BSAS 345Aviation Safety Program Management3
WEAX 201Meteorology I3
WEAX 301Aviation Weather3
Total Credits72


Open Electives12
Total Degree Requirements120

Plan of Study (BSPO)

Year One 

Term 1Credits
Communication Theory and Skills above ENGL 106 3
College Algebra or Higher Math Series 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 2
Communication Theory and Skills above ENGL 106 3
College Algebra or Higher Math Series 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 3
Communication Theory and Skills above ENGL 106 3
Computer Science Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 4
Humanities LL 3
Social Science 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 5
Social Science 3
Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
 Credits Total: 30.0

Year Two

Term 1Credits
Physical Science/Physics 3
Physical Science/Physics 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 2
ASCI 121 Private Pilot Operations 5
ASCI 121L Airmen Knowledge Test Preparation 1
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 3
ASCI 222 Instrument Pilot Operations 3
ASCI 254 Aviation Legislation 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 4
AMNT 260 Aircraft Electrical Systems Theory 3
AMNT 271 Airframe Systems and Applications 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 5
AMNT 272 Fundamentals of Aircraft Avionics 3
AMNT 281 Turbine Engine Theory and Applications 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
 Credits Total: 30.0

Year Three

Term 1Credits
MGMT 201 Principles of Management 3
WEAX 201 Meteorology I 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 2
Humanities UL 3
ASCI 333 Commercial Pilot Operations 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 3
ASCI 301 Introduction to Air Traffic Control 3
ASCI 309 Aerodynamics 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 4
BSAS 320 Human Factors in Aviation Safety 3
BSAS 330 Aircraft Accident Investigation 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 5
BSAS 335 Mechanical and Structural Factors in Aviation Safety 3
Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
 Credits Total: 30.0

Year Four 

Term 1Credits
ASCI 357 Flight Physiology 3
ASCI 412 Corporate and Business Aviation 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 2
AMNT 416 Aviation Maintenance Management: A Global Perspective 3
BSAS 345 Aviation Safety Program Management 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 3
BSAS 409 Aviation Safety 3
WEAX 301 Aviation Weather 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 4
ASCI 426 Airport Management in ATM 3
Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
Term 5
ASCI 491 Operational Applications in Aeronautics 3
Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal6.0
 Credits Total: 30.0
Total Degree Requirements120

BSPO-MSA 4+1 Combined Pathway Program: Accelerated opportunity to earn an MSA

This program is for students who are committed to continuing their education through the Master’s degree. This fast-paced program allows qualifying students the opportunity to complete both the Bachelor of Science in Pilot Operations (BSPO) and the Master of Science in Aeronautics (MSA) in five academic years. While a bachelor’s degree will afford the student qualifications toward entry-level and management positions in aviation, the addition of a master’s degree will enable graduates opportunities for enhanced global leadership and larger income potential.

Students who are accepted in the BSPO-MSA 4+1 combined pathway program must complete a minimum of 75 credit hours toward the BSPO degree; all core courses must be taken. Students must confer with an advisor to ensure that the courses selected are suitable (a grade of B or better must be achieved). Upon completion of the BSPO requirements, students will be enrolled in the MSA and can complete their degree in one year. In any graduate course taken by an undergraduate student, a grade of B or better must be earned. If a grade of C or F is earned in any of the courses taken in lieu of the elective courses in the BSPO degree, the student will be removed from the program, have credit awarded to the BSPO degree only, and may continue to complete the BSPO degree.

As a minimum, the applicant must have at least a 3.00 GPA. Students initiate program acceptance through their Academic Advisor or Campus Advisor; to help ensure program criteria are met.  Student Advisor will complete the request for processing into the 4+1 program.