
Minor in Aviation Safety

Aviation Safety is an exciting facet of the aviation field that deals with predicting and preventing flight accidents, and aviation safety management. This minor will help students to learn the basics of safety and accident prevention by studying human factors of accidents, mechanical failures, and systems failures.   Additionally, the Aviation Safety minor program is designed to provide students with a knowledge of practices and procedures used in establishing and maintaining an effective safety program and promote a safety culture.

This program will serve as a foundation for students with an interest in pursuing graduate work or a career in this area of study.

Not open to BS in Aviation Maintenance/Safety Specialization only.

BSAS 320Human Factors in Aviation Safety3
BSAS 330Aircraft Accident Investigation3
BSAS 335Mechanical and Structural Factors in Aviation Safety3
BSAS 345Aviation Safety Program Management3
BSAS 409Aviation Safety3
SFTY 440System Safety Management3
Total Credits18