
Criminal Convictions and Violations

Unless specifically exempted from disclosure by law or order of court, students and applicants have an affirmative duty to immediately disclose any criminal convictions or charges against them for violent offenses, offenses against minors, and/or offenses that are punishable as a felony, as well as any drug related convictions, or any arrests.

The presence on campus or on any property where Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University conducts business (to include parking lots associated with doing business at ERAU), of students or applicants who commit serious violations of University rules, regulations, and procedures, or have unacceptable character, academic or behavioral record, criminal record, or other aspects may be inconsistent with the safety and other business and academic interests of the University.

Accordingly, the University may, in the University's sole discretion, deny an applicant admission, temporarily or permanently bar an applicant or student from all or any part of University-owned or University-controlled property (to include parking lots at our WW campuses). The University may also impose reasonable conditions upon any student or applicant who violates University rules, regulations, and procedures, or whose character, academic or behavioral record, or criminal record is determined by the University to pose an unreasonable risk to the interests of the University, its students, employees, or visitors.

No adverse action based on conduct shall under normal circumstances be taken against admitted students until the student has been afforded due process consistent with applicable policies and procedures. Nonetheless, the University reserves the right to take immediate reasonable action to protect the health or safety of people or property.

The applicable rules and regulations may be modified or updated from time to time, and shall be binding as of the date published. Students and applicants are bound by the terms in effect at the time of any event or occurrence. The electronic version of applicable rules, regulations, and procedures shall be the official current version.

Applicants and students should report information directly to Student Affairs at wwstuaff@erau.edu and to their home campus location.