
Student Ombudsman

The Worldwide Student Ombudsman is available to listen to concerns, clarify issues and offer assistance in defining options by referring students to the appropriate services within the Worldwide Campus. The Ombudsman is a confidential source of information and assistance to students concerning university policies and procedures.  The Ombudsman may also make recommendations to the appropriate authorities about changes to University policy and procedures.

How the Ombudsman can help you

The Ombudsman provides confidential and informal assistance to the student body and is responsible to:

  • Discuss any university-related issue
  • Determine what attempts have already been made to resolve the issue
  • Listen, clarify issues and offer assistance in defining options
  • Define university policies and procedures.
  • Refer students to the appropriate student services within the campus such as:
    • Local campus staff
    • Colleges
    • Admissions
    • Financial Aid
    • Veterans’ Affairs
    • Student Affairs
    • Career Services
  • Define and offer options for resolution; it is the student’s responsibility to take action.
  • Identify and report trends, while maintaining the confidentiality of individual communications.
  • Communication with the Ombudsman is confidential unless permission is granted from the student or the Ombudsman feels there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm to self or others.

When the Ombudsman does not get involved

  • When you want legal advice or legal representation. The Ombudsman can advise you of your rights within the University, but will not provide legal advice or represent you in a legal matter.
  • When you have a disagreement or problem not related to the University.
  • When you want someone to represent you in a University grievance procedure. The Ombudsman will discuss the process and clarify the options available before and after the proceedings.

Additional Information

For additional information regarding the Worldwide Student Ombudsman, and up to date contact information, please visit the Worldwide Student Ombudsman website in ERNIE.