B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

Students will:

  • Have an ability to to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  • Have an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  • Have an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  • Have an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  • Have an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  • Have an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • Have an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Degree Requirements

The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering program requires successful completion of a minimum of 128 credit hours. The program may be completed in eight semesters assuming appropriate background and full-time enrollment. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is needed for all required AE, EGR, ES, and ME courses, excluding technical electives. The courses necessary to earn this degree are listed below.

Students should be aware that many courses have prerequisites and/or co-requisites. Students must have a C or better in all pre-requisites for all required AE, COM 221, EGR, EP, ES, ME, and SYS courses.

Program Requirements

General Education 

Embry-Riddle degree programs require students to complete a minimum of 36 hours of General Education coursework. For a full description of Embry-Riddle General Education guidelines, please see the General Education section of this catalog.

Students may choose other classes outside of their requirements, but doing so can result in the student having to complete more than the degree's 128 credit hours. This will result in additional time and cost to the student.

Communication Theory and Skills9
Computer Science/Information Technology3
Physical and Life Sciences (Natural Sciences)6
Humanities and Social Sciences12
3 hours of lower-level Humanities
3 hours of lower-level Social Science
3 hours of lower-level or upper-level Humanities or Social Science
3 hours of upper-level Humanities or Social Science
Total Credits36

Mechanical Engineering Core (94 Credits)

The following course of study outlines the quickest and most cost-efficient route for students to earn their B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Students are encouraged to follow the course of study to ensure they complete all program required courses and their prerequisites within four years.

Courses in the core with a # will satisfy general education requirements.

AE 430Control System Analysis and Design3
CHM 113General Chemistry for Engineering #3
COM 122English Composition #3
COM 221Technical Report Writing (Must Earn a C or better to pass COM 221) #3
COM 420Advanced Technical Communication I #1
COM 430Advanced Technical Communication II #2
EC 225Engineering Economics #3
EE 335Electrical Engineering I2
EE 336Electrical Engineering I Laboratory1
EGR 101Introduction to Engineering2
EGR 115Introduction to Computing for Engineers #3
EGR 201Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Systems3
ES 201Statics3
ES 202Solid Mechanics3
ES 204Dynamics3
ES 206Fluid Mechanics3
ES 208Thermodynamics3
ES 320Engineering Materials Science2
ES 321Engineering Materials Science Laboratory1
ES 403Heat Transfer3
General Education - lower-level or upper-level Humanities or Social Science #3
General Education - lower-level Humanities #3
HU 330Values and Ethics (OR Study Abroad in HU/SS Upper-Level) #3
or HU 335 Technology and Modern Civilization
MA 241Calculus and Analytical Geometry I #4
MA 242Calculus and Analytical Geometry II #4
MA 243Calculus and Analytical Geometry III4
MA 335Introduction to Linear and Abstract Algebra (For Robotics Option) ** Other Options can take: Math or Natural Science Upper-Level Elective ) **^3
MA 345Differential Equations and Matrix Methods4
PS 161Physics I & II for Engineers4
PS 250Physics for Engineers III #3
PS 253Physics Laboratory for Engineers #1
ME 200Machine Shop Laboratory1
ME 304Introduction to Machine Design *3
ME 305Machine Design Laboratory *1
ME 400Mechanical Vibrations **3


Energy Option (20 Credits)

EE 334Electrical Engineering for Mechanical Engineers *3
Energy Electives6
ES 324Measurements and Instrumentation2
ES 325Measurements and Instrumentation Lab1
ME 312Alternative Energy I **3
ME 403Thermal Power Systems3
ME 446Thermal-Fluid Science and Energy Measurement **1
ME 446LThermal-Fluid Science and Energy Measurement Laboratory **1
Total Credits20

Propulsion Option (20 Credits)

EE 334Electrical Engineering for Mechanical Engineers *3
ES 324Measurements and Instrumentation2
ES 325Measurements and Instrumentation Lab1
ME 309Airbreathing and Rocket Propulsion3
ME 403Thermal Power Systems3
ME 446Thermal-Fluid Science and Energy Measurement **1
ME 446LThermal-Fluid Science and Energy Measurement Laboratory **1
Propulsion Electives6
Total Credits20

Robotics Option (20 Credits)

CEC 220Digital Circuit Design3
CEC 222Digital Circuit Design Laboratory1
CS 125Computer Science I4
ME 302Introduction to Robotics I *3
ME 302LIntroduction to Robotics I Laboratory *1
ME 404Mechatronics3
ME 404LMechatronics Laboratory1
ME 406Robotics II **3
ME 406LRobotics II Laboratory **1

Capstone Design Sequence, Preliminary and Detail Design

ME students have five possible sequences for their capstone sequence:

Aeronautics (8 Credits)

AE 420Aircraft Preliminary Design4
AE 421Aircraft Detail Design4

Astronautics (8 Credits)

AE 427Spacecraft Preliminary Design4
AE 445Spacecraft Detail Design4

Energy (8 Credits)

ME 435Energy Engineering Preliminary Design *4
ME 440Energy Engineering Detail Design **4

Propulsion (8 Credits)

ME 429Propulsion System Preliminary Design *4
ME 431Propulsion System Detail Design **4

Robotics (8 Credits)

ME 407Preliminary Design for Robotic Systems with Laboratory *4
ME 420Detail Design of Robotic Systems with Laboratory **4

Technical Electives (6 Credits)

Technical Electives6
Total Credits128

Three credit hours of technical elective credit must be taken from available upper-level College of Engineering courses not specifically listed in the student’s degree requirements. 

Upper-level, except Directed Studies
Cooperative Education courses
With prior approval of the Aerospace Engineering department. See Career Advisor for more information.
Upper-Level, except Directed Studies. (Must be approved by the Aerospace Engineering department before taking this course.)
Programming in ADA
Operating Systems *
Upper-Level, except Directed Studies
Upper-Level, except Directed Studies
Upper-Level, except Directed Studies
Numerical Analysis I
Linear Algebra
Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Physics I
Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Physics II
Complex Variables
Upper-Level, except Directed Studies
Modern Physics **
Classical Mechanics I *
Classical Mechanics II **
Quantum Mechanics I **
Planetary Science
Remote Sensing
Software Engineering Practices **
Introduction to Systems Engineering
Trade Studies, Risk and Decision Analysis
Systems Engineering Practices: Specialty Engineering

Offered in Fall Only


Offered in Spring Only


This course could be filled by any 300/400 level MA/PS/CHM/BIO/WX course (or approved by the department chair).


General Education Courses

UNIV 101 is taken in excess of degree requirements or meets open elective credit.

All Army ROTC students are required to complete SS 321 - U.S. Military History 1900-Present (3 credits) in order to commission. 

Energy Option

Freshman Year
CHM 113 General Chemistry for Engineering 3
COM 122 English Composition 3
EGR 101 Introduction to Engineering 2
EGR 201 Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Systems 3
MA 241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry I 4
ME 200 Machine Shop Laboratory 1
UNIV 101 College Success (1)
 Credits Subtotal16.0
EC 225 Engineering Economics 3
Humanities or Social Science Lower-Level or Upper-Level Elective 3
EGR 115 Introduction to Computing for Engineers 3
MA 242 Calculus and Analytical Geometry II 4
PS 161 Physics I & II for Engineers 4
 Credits Subtotal17.0
Sophomore Year
COM 221 Technical Report Writing (Must Earn a C or better to pass COM 221) 3
ES 201 Statics 3
ES 208 Thermodynamics 3
MA 243 Calculus and Analytical Geometry III 4
PS 250 Physics for Engineers III 3
PS 253 Physics Laboratory for Engineers 1
 Credits Subtotal17.0
EE 335 Electrical Engineering I 2
EE 336 Electrical Engineering I Laboratory 1
ES 202 Solid Mechanics 3
ES 206 Fluid Mechanics 3
Humanities Lower- Level Elective 3
MA 345 Differential Equations and Matrix Methods 4
 Credits Subtotal16.0
Junior Year
EE 334 Electrical Engineering for Mechanical Engineers 3
ES 204 Dynamics 3
ES 324 Measurements and Instrumentation 2
ES 325 Measurements and Instrumentation Lab 1
ES 403 Heat Transfer 3
ME 403 Thermal Power Systems 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
AE 430 Control System Analysis and Design 3
Energy Elective 3
ME 312 Alternative Energy I 3
ME 446 Thermal-Fluid Science and Energy Measurement 1
ME 446L Thermal-Fluid Science and Energy Measurement Laboratory 1
ES 320 Engineering Materials Science 2
ES 321 Engineering Materials Science Laboratory 1
Math or Natural Science Upper-Level Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal17.0
Senior Year
COM 420 Advanced Technical Communication I 1
Energy Elective 3
ME 304 Introduction to Machine Design 3
ME 305 Machine Design Laboratory 1
Preliminary Design 4
Technical Electives 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
COM 430 Advanced Technical Communication II 2
Detail Design 4
HU 330 Values and Ethics (or HU/SS Upper-Level Study Abroad) 3
Technology and Modern Civilization
ME 400 Mechanical Vibrations 3
Technical Electives 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
 Credits Total: 128.0

Propulsion Option

Freshman Year
COM 122 English Composition 3
CHM 113 General Chemistry for Engineering 3
EGR 101 Introduction to Engineering 2
EGR 201 Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Systems 3
MA 241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry I 4
ME 200 Machine Shop Laboratory 1
UNIV 101 College Success (1)
 Credits Subtotal16.0
EC 225 Engineering Economics 3
EGR 115 Introduction to Computing for Engineers 3
Humanities or Social Science Lower-Level or Upper-Level Elective 3
MA 242 Calculus and Analytical Geometry II 4
PS 161 Physics I & II for Engineers 4
 Credits Subtotal17.0
Sophomore Year
COM 221 Technical Report Writing (Must earn a C or better to pass COM 221) 3
ES 201 Statics 3
ES 208 Thermodynamics 3
MA 243 Calculus and Analytical Geometry III 4
PS 250 Physics for Engineers III 3
PS 253 Physics Laboratory for Engineers 1
 Credits Subtotal17.0
EE 335 Electrical Engineering I 2
EE 336 Electrical Engineering I Laboratory 1
ES 202 Solid Mechanics 3
ES 206 Fluid Mechanics 3
Humanities Lower-Level Elective 3
MA 345 Differential Equations and Matrix Methods 4
 Credits Subtotal16.0
Junior Year
EE 334 Electrical Engineering for Mechanical Engineers 3
ES 204 Dynamics 3
ES 324 Measurements and Instrumentation 2
ES 325 Measurements and Instrumentation Lab 1
ES 403 Heat Transfer 3
ME 309 Airbreathing and Rocket Propulsion 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
AE 430 Control System Analysis and Design 3
ES 320 Engineering Materials Science 2
ES 321 Engineering Materials Science Laboratory 1
Math or Natural Science Upper-Level Elective 3
ME 403 Thermal Power Systems 3
ME 446 Thermal-Fluid Science and Energy Measurement 1
ME 446L Thermal-Fluid Science and Energy Measurement Laboratory 1
Propulsion Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal17.0
Senior Year
COM 420 Advanced Technical Communication I 1
ME 304 Introduction to Machine Design 3
ME 305 Machine Design Laboratory 1
Preliminary Design 4
Propulsion Elective 3
Technical Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
COM 430 Advanced Technical Communication II 2
Detail Design 4
HU 330 Values and Ethics (or HU/SS Upper-Level Study Abroad) 3
Technology and Modern Civilization
ME 400 Mechanical Vibrations 3
Technical Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
 Credits Total: 128.0

Robotics Option

Freshman Year
CHM 113 General Chemistry for Engineering 3
COM 122 English Composition 3
Humanities or Social Science Lower-Level or Upper-Level Elective 3
EGR 101 Introduction to Engineering 2
MA 241 Calculus and Analytical Geometry I 4
UNIV 101 College Success (1)
 Credits Subtotal15.0
CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design 3
CEC 222 Digital Circuit Design Laboratory 1
EGR 201 Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Systems 3
MA 242 Calculus and Analytical Geometry II 4
ME 200 Machine Shop Laboratory 1
PS 161 Physics I & II for Engineers 4
 Credits Subtotal16.0
Sophomore Year
COM 221 Technical Report Writing (Must Earn a C or better to pass COM 221) 3
EGR 115 Introduction to Computing for Engineers 3
ES 201 Statics 3
MA 243 Calculus and Analytical Geometry III 4
PS 250 Physics for Engineers III 3
PS 253 Physics Laboratory for Engineers 1
 Credits Subtotal17.0
CS 125 Computer Science I 4
EE 335 Electrical Engineering I 2
EE 336 Electrical Engineering I Laboratory 1
ES 204 Dynamics 3
MA 335 Introduction to Linear and Abstract Algebra 3
MA 345 Differential Equations and Matrix Methods 4
 Credits Subtotal17.0
Junior Year
ES 202 Solid Mechanics 3
ES 208 Thermodynamics 3
Humanities Lower-Level Elective 3
ME 302 Introduction to Robotics I 3
ME 302L Introduction to Robotics I Laboratory 1
ME 404 Mechatronics 3
ME 404L Mechatronics Laboratory 1
 Credits Subtotal17.0
AE 430 Control System Analysis and Design 3
EC 225 Engineering Economics 3
ES 206 Fluid Mechanics 3
ES 320 Engineering Materials Science 2
ES 321 Engineering Materials Science Laboratory 1
ME 406 Robotics II 3
ME 406L Robotics II Laboratory 1
 Credits Subtotal16.0
Senior Year
COM 420 Advanced Technical Communication I 1
ES 403 Heat Transfer 3
ME 304 Introduction to Machine Design 3
ME 305 Machine Design Laboratory 1
ME 407 Preliminary Design for Robotic Systems with Laboratory 4
Technical Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
COM 430 Advanced Technical Communication II 2
HU 330 Values and Ethics (or HU/SS Upper-Level Study Abroad) 3
Technology and Modern Civilization
ME 400 Mechanical Vibrations 3
ME 420 Detail Design of Robotic Systems with Laboratory 4
Technical Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
 Credits Total: 128.0