B.S. in Space Operations

Students will:

  • Create space mission design, planning, or execution relevant to current industry practices.
  • Evaluate spacecraft systems, applications, sustainability, and safety practices within the space operations industry.
  • Analyze human spaceflight history, life support implications, and training regimens from historical and contemporary programs.
  • Analyze space policy development and application to space activity.
  • Identify space mission history, program development, and evolution to current trends.

General Education Requirements

For a full description of Embry-Riddle General Education guidelines, please see the General Education section of this catalog. These minimum requirements are applicable to all degree programs.

The general education component of the Space Operations degree follows the general guidelines for ERAU undergraduate programs for a total of 38 credits.

Communications Theory and Skills (COM 122, COM 219, COM 221)9
Lower-Level Humanities3
Lower-Level Social Sciences (PSY 101)3
Lower or Upper-Level Humanities or Social Sciences3
Upper-Level Humanities or Social Sciences3
Computer Science3
Mathematics (MA 111, MA 112 or equivalent)6
Physical and Life Sciences (PS 113, PS 113L)4
PS/BIO/CHM 100-400 Level Lecture and Laboratory4
Total Credits38

Space Operations Core Requirements

UNIV 101College Success1
Space Operations Required Courses24
Introduction to Space Flight
Space Policy and Law - History
Satellite and Spacecraft Systems
Fundamentals of Space Policy and Regulation
Introduction to Space Navigation
Space Operations Planning and Analysis
Applied Spaceflight Policy and Regulation
Senior Space Operations Project
Choose two courses:6
Planetary and Space Exploration
Space Transportation System
Space Station Systems and Operations
Life Support Systems
Choose one course:3
Spaceflight and Operations Training
Russian Space Operations and Technology
Payloads and Integration
CEC/CS/MA/SE/SYS 300-400 Level Course
Total Credits34

Program Support

BA 201Principles of Management3
BA 424Project Management in Aviation Operations3
BA 452Lean Six-Sigma in Aviation and Aerospace3
CS 118Fundamentals of Computer Programming3
EGR 115Introduction to Computing for Engineers3
HF 300Human Factors I: Principles and Fundamentals3
MA 222Business Statistics3
or MA 412 Probability and Statistics
SF 210Introduction to Aerospace Safety3
Total Credits24

Approved Minor

Approved Minor15-20

Students must declare and complete one approved minor. Total credits in the minor vary, depending on the minor chosen. In cases where individual minor courses are also required by the major, additional open elective credits will become available. Approved minors include:

Minors Required Credits
Applied Mathematics 20
Aviation Law 15
Computer Science 16
Human Factors 15
Project Management 15
Systems Engineering 15

 Open Electives

Open elective hours may vary depending on declared minor.
Open Electives4-9
Total Degree Credits120
Year One
COM 122 English Composition 3
BA 125 Foundations in Business Data Analytics 3
MA 111 Pre-Calculus for Aviation 3
Precalculus Essentials
SF 210 Introduction to Aerospace Safety 3
SP 110 Introduction to Space Flight 3
UNIV 101 College Success 1
 Credits Subtotal16.0
MA 112 Applied Calculus for Aviation 3
Calculus and Analytical Geometry I
PS 113 Introductory Physics I 3
Physics for Engineers I
Physics I
PS 113L Introductory Physics I Laboratory 1
Physics I Laboratory
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
HU 14X Elective 3
SP 2XX Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal16.0
Year Two
COM 221 Technical Report Writing 3
HF 300 Human Factors I: Principles and Fundamentals 3
PS/BIO/CHM 100-400 Level Lecture 3
PS/BIO/CHM 100-400 Level Laboratory 1
SP 2XX Elective 3
Minor/Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal16.0
SP 230 Space Policy and Law - History 3
COM 219 Speech 3
EGR 115 Introduction to Computing for Engineers 3
MA 222 Business Statistics 3
Probability and Statistics
Minor/Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
Year Three
BA 201 Principles of Management 3
SP 300 Satellite and Spacecraft Systems 3
HU/SS Lower or Upper Level Elective 3
SP 3XX Elective (or CEC/CS/MA/SE/SYS 300-400 Level Course) 3
Minor/Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
SP 351 Fundamentals of Space Policy and Regulation 3
SP 400 Introduction to Space Navigation 3
CS 118 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 3
BA 452 Lean Six-Sigma in Aviation and Aerospace 3
Minor/Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
Year Four
SP 410 Space Operations Planning and Analysis 3
SP 460 Applied Spaceflight Policy and Regulation 3
BA 424 Project Management in Aviation Operations 3
Minor/Open Elective 3
Minor/Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
SP 490 Senior Space Operations Project 3
HU/SS Upper Level Elective 3
Minor/Open Elective 3
Minor/Open Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal12.0
 Credits Total: 120.0