College of Business, Security and Intelligence

Dr. Thomas Drape, Dean

On behalf of our faculty and staff, I welcome you to the first and only College of Business, Security and Intelligence (CBSI) in the United States. As part of our college, you are more than a student; you are part of an exciting and dynamic community of lifelong learners with a commitment to excellence.

CBSI emphasizes problem-based and hands-on learning led by student- centered faculty committed to the excellence of your learning experience inside and outside of the classroom. Our faculty have helped break new ground in intelligence and security, aviation business, cyber intelligence and cyber warfare, fraud analysis, counterterrorism and international supply chain risk assessment. In addition, our faculty work on grants, contracts, and consultancies with federal, state, and local governments and businesses. They often set national and even world standards in partnerships with corporations, other business entities, agencies and international organizations.

Our cutting-edge curriculum reflects the ever-changing and demanding environment of the business, government, aviation and security industry. We offer specialized courses in Intelligence Studies, Network Forensics, Fraud Analysis, Security Investigations, White Collar Crime, Risk Management, Air Transport, Supply Chain and more with the goal of developing specialized knowledge and practical skills for our graduates. We encourage unique internships and cooperative educational experiences; our Career Services are available to assist you in preparing your academic and career plans. In addition, there are numerous study-abroad opportunities available for students from a semester abroad, faculty-led summer study abroad, and intensive winter and summer travel programs.

CBSI also has unique and collaborative industry, government and law enforcement relationships and we are a Boeing focus school for Supply Chain Management. We also have a dedicated and committed Industry Board that provides guidance and mentorship to our program and students. They provide insight on industry trends, feedback to our curriculum and are keenly interested in your success. There are more than fifteen student organizations available to our CBSI students as well as more than a hundred clubs on campus; we encourage all of our students to stay connected, be involved and benefit from the many activities provided by these student organizations.

The College currently offers the following Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees and links follow with further information on each of the degree programs:


Bachelor's Degrees:

Master's Degrees: