General Education

Candidates for bachelor's degrees must complete course work in the following areas:

Communication Theory and Skills9
Computer Science/Information Technology3
Physical and Life Sciences6
Humanities and Social Sciences12
3 hours of lower-level Humanities
3 hours of lower-level Social Science
3 hours of lower-level or upper-level Humanities or Social Science
3 hours of upper-level Humanities or Social Science
Total Credits36

General Education Courses

General Education courses may be chosen from the list below, assuming prerequisites are met. New courses added to the General Education list may be used for previous catalogs, as long as the previous catalog requirement allows selection of any course from the General Education course list rather than a specific course. Check with your program specific requirements before utilizing the list below.

Communication Theory and Skills (9 credits)
COM 122English Composition3
COM 219Speech3
COM 221Technical Report Writing3
COM 222Business Communication3
COM 223Intelligence Writing3
COM 420Advanced Technical Communication I1
COM 430Advanced Technical Communication II2
LCH 310Speech in Chinese3
Computer Science/Information Technology (3 credits)
CI 119Introduction to Cyber Security for Non-Majors3
CS 118Fundamentals of Computer Programming3
CS 125Computer Science I4
CS 213Introduction to Computer Networks3
CS 225Computer Science II4
CS 305Database Systems and Data Mining3
CS 332Organization of Programming Languages3
CS 455Artificial Intelligence3
EGR 115Introduction to Computing for Engineers3
IT 109Introduction to Computers and Applications3
IT 210Web Page Authoring and Design3
Mathematics (6 credits)
BA 222Business Analytics Tools3
MA 111Pre-Calculus for Aviation3
MA 112Applied Calculus for Aviation3
MA 120Quantitative Methods I3
MA 140College Algebra3
MA 142Trigonometry3
MA 143Precalculus Essentials3
MA 145College Algebra and Trigonometry5
MA 220Quantitative Methods II3
MA 222Business Statistics3
MA 225Introduction to Discrete Structures3
MA 241Calculus and Analytical Geometry I4
MA 242Calculus and Analytical Geometry II4
MA 243Calculus and Analytical Geometry III4
MA 314Applied Linear Algebra & Statistics3
MA 320Decision Mathematics3
MA 335Introduction to Linear and Abstract Algebra3
MA 341Introduction to Mathematical Analysis3
MA 345Differential Equations and Matrix Methods4
MA 348Numerical Analysis I3
MA 404Statistics and Research Methods3
MA 412Probability and Statistics3
MA 432Linear Algebra3
MA 433Introduction to Optimization3
MA 435Linear and Abstract Algebra II3
MA 441Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Physics I3
MA 442Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Physics II3
MA 443Complex Variables3
PSY 226Statistics for Organizational Analysis and Research3
Physical and Life Science (6 credits) - One course must include a lab.
BIO 120Foundations of Biology I3
BIO 120LFoundations of Biology I Laboratory1
BIO 121Foundations of Biology II3
BIO 121LFoundations of Biology II Lab1
BIO 142Intro to Environmental Science3
BIO 205Plant Biology3
BIO 205LPlant Biology Lab1
BIO 215Genetics3
BIO 215LGenetics Laboratory1
BIO 216Microbiology3
BIO 216LMicrobiology Laboratory1
BIO 220Wildlife Management3
BIO 245Natural History of the Region3
BIO 245LNatural History of the Region Laboratory1
BIO 302Instrumental Analysis and Trace Evidence3
BIO 302LInstrumental Analysis and Trace Evidence Lab1
BIO 305Human Anatomy and Physiology I3
BIO 305LHuman Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory1
BIO 306Human Anatomy and Physiology II3
BIO 306LHuman Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory1
BIO 309Principles of Ecology4
BIO 309LPrinciples of Ecology Lab0
BIO 312Plant Identification3
BIO 313Riparian Ecology3
BIO 315Ornithology3
BIO 315LOrnithology Lab1
BIO 318Mammalogy4
BIO 330Environmental Consulting3
BIO 403Wildlife and Airports3
BIO 405Molecular and Cell Biology3
BIO 405LMolecular and Cell Biology Laboratory1
BIO 406Forensic DNA Analysis3
BIO 406LForensic DNA Analysis Laboratory1
BIO 420Wildlife Management Techniques3
BIO 444Immunology3
CHM 110General Chemistry I3
CHM 110LGeneral Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHM 111General Chemistry II3
CHM 111LGeneral Chemistry II Laboratory1
CHM 113General Chemistry for Engineering3
CHM 140Chemistry for Engineers4
CHM 210Organic Chemistry I3
CHM 210LOrganic Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHM 211Organic Chemistry II3
CHM 211LOrganic Chemistry II Laboratory1
CHM 310Biochemistry3
CHM 310LBiochemistry Laboratory1
GEO 210Introduction to Geographic Information Systems3
GEO 215Introduction to Geoscience3
GEO 310Advanced Geographic Information Systems3
GEO 350Introduction to Remote Sensing with GIS3
HF 312Ergonomics and Bioengineering3
PS 113Introductory Physics I3
PS 113LIntroductory Physics I Laboratory1
PS 117Introductory Physics II3
PS 117LIntroductory Physics II Lab1
PS 161Physics I & II for Engineers4
PS 204General Astronomy3
PS 208Physics II3
PS 215Physics I3
PS 216Physics I Laboratory1
PS 219Physics III3
PS 221Intermediate Physics Laboratory2
PS 222Intermediate Astronomy3
PS 232Computational Methods in the Physical Sciences3
PS 250Physics for Engineers III3
PS 253Physics Laboratory for Engineers1
PS 321Classical Mechanics I3
PS 322Classical Mechanics II3
PS 330Electricity and Magnetism I3
PS 331Electricity and Magnetism II3
SIS 220Investigative Methodology and Forensic Science4
WX 201Survey of Meteorology3
WX 203LSurvey of Meteorology Laboratory1
WX 261Applied Climatology3
WX 270Weather Information Systems3
WX 301Aviation Weather3
WX 312Mountain Meteorology3
WX 321Atmospheric Environmental Studies3
WX 322Space Weather3
WX 353Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere3
WX 354Dynamics of the Atmosphere3
WX 363Thunderstorms3
WX 364Weather for Aircrews3
WX 365Satellite and Radar Weather Interpretation3
WX 390Atmospheric Physics3
WX 420Advanced Atmospheric Thermodynamics3
WX 427Forecasting Techniques3
WX 458All Hazards Support, Modeling and Mapping.3
WX 490Advanced Dynamic Meteorology I3
WX 491Advanced Dynamic Meteorology II3
WX 492Advanced Synoptic Meteorology3
Humanities and Social Science (12 credits) - Please verify specification of curriculum requirements.
HU 112The Rhetoric of Social Justice Movements & Public Advocacy3
HU 118Digital Publics & Rhetorical Theory3
HU 131History of Jazz3
HU 132History of Rock and Roll3
HU 145Themes in the Humanities3
HU 146Music Appreciation3
HU 147Digital Media Storytelling3
HU 148Art and History of Podcasting3
HU 149Writing Games: Video Games as Rhetorical Texts3
HU 162Art of the Prehistoric and Ancient World: Caves, Kings, and Pyramids3
HU 163Art of the Classical World: Gods, Heroes, and Empire3
HU 164Foundations of Visual Art: An Examination of Visual Culture3
HU 165Travel and Adventure Nonfiction Literature3
HU 171The Origins of Film in America and Europe3
HU 172Exploring Science Fiction Films3
HU 173Myth and the Marvel Cinematic Universe3
HU 175Masterpieces: Art, Music and Literature of Europe Renaissance through the Nineteenth Century3
HU 320Aesthetics of Visual and Musical Arts3
HU 325Exploring Film3
HU 330Values and Ethics3
HU 332Cross-Cultural Communication3
HU 335Technology and Modern Civilization3
HU 345Comparative Religions3
HU 355Creative Writing3
HU 363Communication and Society3
HU 415Nonverbal Communication3
LCH 205Modern Chinese Media3
LCH 206Contemporary Chinese Literature3
LCH 306Asian Literature3
LCH 307Personality and Profiling3
LCH 308Foundations of Terrorism3
LCH 400Eastern and Western Civilization3
LCH 402Applied Cross-Cultural Communications3
Social Science
EC 200An Economic Survey3
EC 210Microeconomics3
EC 211Macroeconomics3
EC 225Engineering Economics3
EC 302History of Economic Thought3
EC 312Money and Banking3
EC 315Managerial Economics3
EC 316Environmental Economics and Policy3
EC 317Global Economics, Politics and Culture3
HF 300Human Factors I: Principles and Fundamentals3
HF 306Human Factors III: Performance Processes4
HF 310Human-Computer Interaction3
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 222Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
PSY 306Psychology of Deception Detection3
PSY 311Sensation, Perception, and Cognition3
PSY 313Personality and Profiling3
PSY 315Cognitive Psychology3
PSY 320Aviation Psychology3
PSY 321Psychology of Gaming3
PSY 322Research Design4
PSY 326Group and Team Behavior3
PSY 335Physiological Psychology3
PSY 336Forensic Psychology3
PSY 337Criminality3
PSY 345Training and Development3
PSY 350Social Psychology3
PSY 365Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 370Occupational Health & Performance3
PSY 401Psychology of Leadership3
PSY 410Personnel Selection and Assessment3
PSY 412Drugs, Society, and Crime3
PSY 494Tests and Measurements Theory3
SIS 200Introduction to the U.S. Legal System3
SS 110World History3
SS 120U.S. History3
SS 130History of Aviation in America3
SS 204Introduction to Geography3
SS 214Culture, History and Language3
SS 290History of Modern Europe3
SS 304Islam and Arabic Culture3
SS 308Studies in Middle Eastern History and Culture3
SS 311U.S Military History 1775-19003
SS 313Modern Middle East in World Affairs3
SS 314Culture, History and Language3
SS 320Government of the U.S.3
SS 321U.S. Military History 1900-Present3
SS 325International Studies3
SS 326Russian-U.S. Relations3
SS 327International Relations3
SS 333U.S. - Asian Relations3
SS 336The Modern Middle East in World Affairs3
SS 340Modern U.S. Foreign Policy3
SS 363Inter-American Relations3