B.S. in Aerospace Physiology

Students will:

  • Employ critical thinking skills and scientific best practices in research design and experimentation.
  • Apply principles of biological sciences to aerospace physiology.
  • Correlate fundamental scientific instrumentation with aerospace physiology.
  • Complete projects arising from sound research practices.
  • Analyze current research in aerospace physiology related to treatment interventions.

General Education Requirements

For a full description of Embry-Riddle General Education guidelines, please see the General Education section of this catalog. These minimum requirements are applicable to all degree programs

General Education List

Communication Theory and Skills (COM 122, COM 219, COM 221)9
Humanities - Lower level3
Social Sciences - Lower level3
Humanities or Social Sciences - Lower or Upper level *3
Humanities or Social Sciences - Upper level 3
Computer Science (CS 118 or CS 223 or EGR 115 or CYB 235)3
Mathematics (MA 210 required)6
Physical and Life Sciences (BIO 120, CHM 110 or PS 113)6
Total Credits36

Aerospace Physiology Core Requirements (63 hours)

BIO 110Research Methods I1
BIO 111Research Symposium1
BIO 120Foundations of Biology I3
BIO 120LFoundations of Biology I Laboratory1
BIO 121Foundations of Biology II3
BIO 121LFoundations of Biology II Lab1
BIO 215Genetics3
BIO 215LGenetics Laboratory1
BIO 305Human Anatomy and Physiology I3
BIO 305LHuman Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory1
BIO 306Human Anatomy and Physiology II3
BIO 306LHuman Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory1
BIO 405Molecular and Cell Biology3
BIO 405LMolecular and Cell Biology Laboratory1
BIO 450Exercise Physiology and Human Performance3
CHM 110General Chemistry I3
CHM 110LGeneral Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHM 111General Chemistry II3
CHM 111LGeneral Chemistry II Laboratory1
CHM 210Organic Chemistry I3
CHM 210LOrganic Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHM 211Organic Chemistry II3
or CHM 310 Biochemistry
CHM 211LOrganic Chemistry II Laboratory1
or CHM 310L Biochemistry Laboratory
HF 300Human Factors I: Principles and Fundamentals3
HF 440Aerospace Physiology3
or AS 357 Flight Physiology
MA 222Business Statistics3
PS 113Introductory Physics I3
PS 113LIntroductory Physics I Laboratory1
PS 117Introductory Physics II3
PS 117LIntroductory Physics II Lab1
UNIV 101College Success1
Total Credits63

 Specified Electives (12-13 hours)

BIO 211Research1
BIO 216Microbiology3
BIO 216LMicrobiology Laboratory1
BIO 299Special Topics in Biology1-6
BIO 311Research1
BIO 321Behavioral Neuroscience I3
BIO 322Behavioral Neuroscience II3
BIO 335Cell Signaling and Disease3
BIO 399Special Topics in Biology1-6
BIO 411Research Symposium II1
BIO 440Clinical Rotation3
BIO 444Immunology3
BIO 499Special Topics in Biology1-6
CHM 211Organic Chemistry II3
CHM 211LOrganic Chemistry II Laboratory1
CHM 310Biochemistry3
CHM 310LBiochemistry Laboratory1
ES 315Space Environment and Effects3
HF 312Ergonomics and Bioengineering3
HF 321Psychopharmacology3
HF 326Human Performance in Extreme Environments3
HF 399Special Topics in Human Factors1-6
HF 499Special Topics in Human Factors1-6
ME 320Fundamentals of Biomechanics3
ME 442Biofluid Mechanics3
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology *3
PSY 310Sensation and Perception3
PSY 320Aviation Psychology3
PSY 335Physiological Psychology3
SF 315Environmental Compliance and Safety3
SF 355Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology3
SP 220Life Support Systems3

Open Electives 

Open Electives - 100-400 Level6
Open Electives - 300-400 Level9
Total Credits15
Total Degree Credits 120-121

PSY 101 must be taken as a Specified Elective if not completed as a lower-level General Education Social Science requirement.

Students should be aware that several courses in each academic year may have prerequisites and/or co-requisites. Please check the course descriptions in this catalog before registering for classes to ensure requisite sequencing.

Suggested Plan of Study

Year One
COM 122 English Composition 3
UNIV 101 College Success 1
MA 140 College Algebra 13
CHM 110 General Chemistry I 3
CHM 110L General Chemistry I Laboratory 1
BIO 120 Foundations of Biology I 3
BIO 120L Foundations of Biology I Laboratory 1
BIO 110 Research Methods I 1
 Credits Subtotal16.0
HU 14X Elective 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
CHM 111 General Chemistry II 3
CHM 111L General Chemistry II Laboratory 1
BIO 121 Foundations of Biology II 3
BIO 121L Foundations of Biology II Lab 1
BIO 111 Research Symposium 1
 Credits Subtotal15.0
 Credits Total: 31.0
Year Two
COM 219 Speech 3
CHM 210 Organic Chemistry I 3
CHM 210L Organic Chemistry I Laboratory 1
BIO 215 Genetics 3
BIO 215L Genetics Laboratory 1
BIO 305 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
BIO 305L Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory 1
 Credits Subtotal15.0
COM 221 Technical Report Writing 3
MA 210 Introduction to Data Science 3
Specified Elective 3
Open Elective - Lower Level 3
BIO 306 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
BIO 306L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory 1
 Credits Subtotal16.0
 Credits Total: 31.0
Year Three
CS 118 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 3
Scientific Programming in C
Introduction to Computing for Engineers
Computer and Network Technologies
PS 113 Introductory Physics I 3
PS 113L Introductory Physics I Laboratory 1
CHM 310 Biochemistry 23
CHM 310L Biochemistry Laboratory 21
Specified Elective 3-4
 Credits Subtotal14.0-15.0
HF 300 Human Factors I: Principles and Fundamentals 3
MA 222 Business Statistics 3
PS 117 Introductory Physics II 3
PS 117L Introductory Physics II Lab 1
Specified Elective 3
Open Elective - Upper Level 3
 Credits Subtotal16.0
 Credits Total: 30.0-31.0
Year Four
BIO 405 Molecular and Cell Biology 3
BIO 405L Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory 1
BIO 450 Exercise Physiology and Human Performance 3
Humanities/Social Science - Lower Level 3
Specified Elective 3
 Credits Subtotal13.0
HF 440 Aerospace Physiology 3
Flight Physiology
Humanities/Social Science - Upper Level 3
Open Elective - Lower Level 3
Open Elective - Upper Level 3
Open Elective - Upper Level 3
 Credits Subtotal15.0
 Credits Total: 28.0

MA 111, 120 or 140


CHM 211 and CHM 211L OR CHM 310 and 310L required