Academic Regulations and Procedures

Academic Integrity Process

Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will include the sanction imposed on students who commit the following academic violations, which may include a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade for the course, suspension, or dismissal from the University:

  • Plagiarism: Presenting as one’s own the ideas, words, or products of another. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgment of the source.
  • Cheating is a broad term that includes the following:
    • Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials when preparing a graded course deliverable.
    • The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination.
    • Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be individual work.
    • Fraud and deceit, which include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested.
    • Facilitation of academic dishonesty, which includes knowingly or negligently enabling one’s work to be copied by others, such as posting one’s work on a common networked drive.


  1. Within five class days after the incident or knowledge of the incident, the instructor shall:
    1. Confront the student with the alleged act.
    2. Complete Part I of the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form found in PCPG 2-5 on Academic Integrity Violations (henceforth referred to as the form) located on the Prescott Academic Affairs web site, and present it to the student.
    3. Upon receipt of the form from the instructor, the student selects a course of action, signs Part I of the form, and may attach a statement of fewer than 250 words. The student returns the form to the instructor. Depending upon the student’s selected course of action, the instructor will execute the sanction and process the form with the Registrar's Office or proceed as outlined below. The form will not become part of the student’s permanent record but will be stored in a database managed by the Registrar until graduation or for six years.
  2. If the student desires a hearing:
    1. The instructor will inform the department chair of the request. The instructor’s department chair and the student shall hold a private hearing within five class days of the initial meeting between the instructor and the student. The instructor will not be present at this hearing.
  3. After reviewing the evidence, the department chair shall, within five class days:
    1. Make a decision.
    2. Establish a sanction.
    3. Complete Part II of the form.
      1. Sanctions may include dismissal of charges, warning, and failure on a particular assessment, failure in the course, suspension, or dismissal from the University.

The student may appeal the sanction to the Academic and Admission Standards Committee by submitting a written appeal to the dean of their primary degree program within five class days.

  1. If no written petition of appeal is received by the dean within five class days:
    1. The sanction is administered by the department chair as stated in Part 2 of the form, and the form with appended paperwork is forwarded by the department chair to the Registrar for recording.
  2. If the dean receives a written petition for appeal within the five-day period, the following steps will be taken:
    1. The dean provides the necessary documents to the Academic and Admissions Standards Committee (AASC).
    2. The AASC schedules a hearing and notifies the involved parties including the student, the instructor, any witnesses or other relevant parties particular to the circumstances.
      1. If either the student or instructor wishes to ask questions during the hearing, those questions must be submitted to the AASC chair at least 24 hours prior. The AASC chair will ask the submitted questions as needed during the hearing.
    3. The AASC hears the case from the aforementioned parties and renders a decision.
    4. The AASC deliberates and based on the preponderance of evidence and a majority vote makes a recommendation to the Dean.
    5. The dean of the student’s degree program, in consultation with the Dean of Students (ex officio AASC member) makes the final decision on sanctions and communicates it in a letter to the student, instructor, department chair, and registrar. When the outcome yields the waiving of sanctions, this letter put closure on the process.
  3. In instances of a negative outcome (e.g., failure/dismissal, or other sanction), the aforementioned letter with the final decision is recorded with the registrar and may result in transcript notations.

Academic Issues / Student Status

The Academic and Admissions Standards Committee is an appeal board designated to resolve any conflict with Academic Procedures, Guidelines, or Policies. This committee makes recommendations to the Academic Deans. Additional information regarding the Academic and Admission Standards Committee, including how to initiate the process, may be obtained at the Office of the Registrar.

Educational Modalities

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University provides several educational delivery systems.  ERAU instruction includes in-person, online, hybrid, split, and directed study delivery modes.  Our students will gain the desired student learning outcomes for all courses no matter the modality used.  The University provides all students the same resources to ensure success in their courses. 

  • In-Person Instruction – a form of instruction that is done within the classroom between students and the instructor. 
  • Hybrid Instruction – a form of instruction that blends both the traditional classroom experience with and an online component. 
  • Split Instruction – a form of instruction that splits a larger class into smaller groups.  The classroom experience is incorporated with an independent learning component. 
  • Online Instruction – a form of instruction that is delivered through internet resources.  
  • Directed Study Instruction – this form of instruction is with little to no supervision.  Students are allowed to complete coursework that is research-focused.


A schedule of classes is prepared for each semester. The University reserves the right to make necessary and appropriate adjustments to the published schedule to include cancellation or rescheduling of any class.

Students are required to register for each semester of enrollment and are encouraged to do so via Web registration after consulting with their academic advisor. First year students and those in academic difficulty must see their academic advisor for approval of course selection prior to registering. Registration must be completed and payment of all tuition deposits and fees must be made according to instructions published by the Cashiers Office. Students are not officially enrolled until they complete all phases of registration, including financial requirements.

Penalties will be charged for late payment of fees. Registration will continue through the first five class days (three class days for summer sessions) of the semester if circumstances prevent the student from registering during the regular registration period. Except for flight courses, registration after this will be only as approved. Due to the scheduling requirements associated with flight training, flight course registration continues throughout the semester.

Grade Reports

Midterm and final grades are issued each term. Students can access their grades immediately after they are posted, via their "Student Center" in ERNIE.

The University is prohibited from releasing grade information without the express written authorization of the student.

Grade Point Averages: GPA, CGPA

A term grade point average (GPA) and cumulative grade point average (CGPA) are computed for each student after every term. The GPA is calculated by dividing the number of grade points earned during the semester by the number of GPA units in that period. The CGPA is determined by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of GPA units at the University. Grade points and hours attempted are accrued in courses graded A, B, C, D, F, and WF only.

Dropping a Course

Students may drop a course, with no notation of course enrollment on their transcripts, during the drop period only. The drop period extends through the third week of spring and fall semesters and the second week of summer terms.

Auditing a Course (AU)

Because students audit a course solely to enhance their knowledge, academic credit is not granted toward degree requirements for audited courses. Students may change their registration from audit to credit through the first five class days of the semester or the first three days for summer terms. Change from credit to audit requires an instructor’s signature until the last day of the withdrawal period: through the twelfth week of the semester or the fourth week of the summer term. When a student auditing a course fails to maintain satisfactory attendance, as determined by the instructor, a grade of W will be assigned.

Withdrawing from a Course (W)

Students receive the grade W if they withdraw from a course by the end of the twelfth week of spring and fall semesters and the fourth week of summer terms. If they withdraw from a course after this period, they receive an F. If students stop attending their classes and fail to withdraw from the University, an F is assigned for each course in which they were enrolled.

Students who withdraw from a flight course before their initial attempt at the final phase check receive a W.

Students are not permitted to drop or withdraw from a course while a charge of academic dishonesty is pending.

Incomplete Grades (I)

In exceptional cases, faculty may assign the temporary grade of incomplete (I) if a student is unable to complete the required work in a course because of medical emergency, death in the family, military duty, or other extenuating circumstances. If a student does not complete the course by the end of the fourth week of the subsequent semester, the incomplete (I) automatically converts to an F. For graduate level courses, the Dean or Chief Academic Officer (CAO) may waive/extend this period.

Incomplete Flight Courses (IP)

Because the length of time required to complete flight courses varies and may not coincide with the end of the academic semester, the temporary grade IP is assigned for flight courses in which students are still actively flying. The grade of IP will be maintained until such time as the student completes the course and receives a letter grade.

Flight students may receive an F for excessive unexcused no-shows.

Withdrawal from the University

Students who leave the University, for any reason, must conduct an exit interview with the academic advisor in their college and officially process a withdrawal clearance through the Office of the Registrar. When a student withdraws from the University after the end of the scheduled withdrawal period, the end of the twelfth week of the semester, or the end of the fourth week of summer terms, a WF grade will be assigned for all courses in which the student is enrolled unless an exception is granted for medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances.

Exclusion from Courses

A student making no real progress in a course or whose behavior is detracting from the course may be excluded from the course with a grade of W or F. Students have five calendar days following written notification of this exclusion in which to appeal. Until the final disposition of the appeal, the student is considered enrolled in the course.

Unit of Credit

Semester credits are used throughout the University system. Transferred quarter hours will be converted to semester credit hours on the following basis: A quarter hour equals two-thirds of a semester hour.

Intra-University Transfer

Eligibility Requirements:

In order to be eligible to transfer from one campus to another within the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University system, graduate and undergraduate students must normally meet the following criteria:

  1. General Transfer Criteria

    1. Students must be classified as continuing students in accordance with current policies.
    2. The transferring student must meet the academic criteria to re-enroll by maintaining the standards set forth in APU-27 and APM-06; i.e., not on suspension or dismissal status.
    3. The transferring student must meet the financial criteria to re-enroll by satisfying all financial obligations prior to the transfer.
    4. A complete unofficial academic evaluation must be done by the campus receiving the student prior to actual transfer.
    5. In addition to meeting the general transfer criteria, students transferring into degrees with program accreditation and programs which include flight training must also meet criteria specific to those programs. Although students may transfer campuses after any semester, an individual flight course started at one campus must be completed at that campus.
  2. Waivers of Criteria

    If a student requesting an intra-university transfer does not meet all of the criteria above and wishes to request a waiver of the policy, the student may submit a written request for a waiver through the sending campus Office of the Registrar. The request will be evaluated and either approved or denied by the appropriate Department Chair or designee at the receiving campus.

  3. Deadline Dates

    Students should initiate the transfer procedure by submitting an Intra University Transfer Form to the Office of the Registrar of their current campus. Upon receipt of the request to transfer the current location will notify the receiving campus of the student's request to transfer. This should be done as early as possible, but no later than 45 calendar days before the first day of classes of the semester/term at the campus to which they are transferring. Current term grades must be finalized with the division of the University students are attending before they are able to transfer to another division.

  4. Documentation

    Since all transferring students are classified as continuing students, any evaluation of advanced standing or transfer credits from other institutions previously awarded will be honored by the receiving campus, and any applicable credit will be applied to the new academic program.

  5. Campus Designation of Students Transferred from Another Campus

    1. Students who transfer to another campus with the intention of completing their educational objective at the new campus are considered to be permanent transfers. Their campus designation and academic program​ will be changed to the new campus. This designation, however, does not preclude transferring to another campus at a later date.
    2. Students who elect to attend classes at another campus for one semester (or two summer terms) only, but intend to complete their educational objective at the original location, are considered to be visiting students or temporary transfer students and will maintain their academic program with the originating campus.
    3. Degrees will be awarded from whichever campus students have completed their degree, unless they are a temporary transfer, then the student will graduate from their originating campus.
  6. Coordination of Information

    General coordination among departments

    1. Daytona Beach and Prescott Campuses

      1. The Office of the Registrar at the Daytona Beach and Prescott Campuses will have available their Schedule of Classes.
      2. It is the responsibility of the Office of the Registrar to work with advisors, orientation and other departments to determine information to provide.
      3. Students MUST check in by the published Orientation deadline, or no later than the first day of classes and payment deadlines to avoid cancellation of their advance registration.
    2. Worldwide Campus

      1. Information concerning course offerings at a Worldwide campus location can be obtained through the WW Department of Enrollment Management.
      2. Students arriving at WW locations should obtain information about the campus from the Campus Director, campus advisor or online advisor.
  7. Procedures for Transferring to Another Embry-Riddle Campus

    1. Intra-University Transfer Form
      1. All students requesting a transfer to another campus, whether on a permanent or temporary basis, must complete the Intra-University Form, which may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar or an academic advisor. Worldwide students must consult with their academic advisor to qualify, and the advisor will submit the request on behalf of the student.​
      2. The Office of the Registrar will ensure that students requesting temporary transfer have met with their Academic Advisor to discuss courses desired at the new campus and the reason the student wishes to transfer.
      3. The Office of the Registrar will check the availability of courses the student has requested.
      4. The Office of the Registrar will determine which administrative and service areas should be contacted by the student. At a minimum, the student must contact Student Financial Services to obtain financial clearance. If necessary, the student will be directed to other departments such as Financial Aid, Veterans' Affairs, International Student Services/Sevis Administrator for I20 processing, Housing, and others to obtain appropriate clearance and guidance. For WW students, the Department of Enrollment Management will obtain any necessary clearances for the student.
      5. For residential campus students, once all necessary clearances have been obtained, the student will return the form to the Office of the Registrar.
      6. All Intra-University Transfer requests will be processed by the receiving campus within 15 working days of receipt, or as soon as possible if the student is still enrolled in classes that have not posted final grades.
      7. The Office of the Registrar will send the form and any documentation to the receiving Registrar's office to obtain approval by the Department Chair or designee.
      8. When the approval has been given or denied, the Office of the Registrar of the receiving campus will notify the student. If approved, information about check-in procedures and financial information will be included in the notification. If denied, the student will be notified along with reason(s).
    2. Post Arrival

      Upon arrival at the new campus, the Worldwide Campus DirectorOnline Campus Advisor, or residential campus designee will provide the student with a copy of the Student Handbook, map, and/or other information about the campus/location.

Privacy of Student Records

The University respects the rights and privacy of students in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The University may disclose certain items of directory information without the consent of the student, unless the student submits a written non-disclosure request, verified by University personnel or a notary.

Students are required to file requests for non-disclosure with the Office of the Registrar. Non-disclosure requests remain in place permanently, unless the office is notified otherwise. Students may grant online access to select individuals via the student information system (auxiliary access); requests to grant online access cannot be processed by the Office of the Registrar. Auxiliary access is “view only” and does not permit the person who has been granted auxiliary access to act as an agent of the student, or to act upon the student’s behalf. Students are required to login to ERNIE (Embry-Riddle Network for Information Exchange) portal, go to “Student Service Center,” find  “Personal Information” section, and complete “Auxiliary Access” to designate up to three individuals to make payments and access student records. 

Directory information consists of:

  • Student name
  • Permanent or local mailing addresses and telephone numbers*
  • ERAU e-mail or box address
  • Non-ERAU email addresses or account information*
  • Date of birth*
  • Major courses of study and areas of specialization
  • Dates admitted, attended, and graduated
  • Enrollment and class status
  • Campus, school, or college attended
  • Degrees sought or earned, and dates received or anticipated
  • Awards, honors, and special programs or recognitions
  • Most recent previous school attended
  • For student-athletes and scholarship recipients, the ERAU ID and photograph
  • Information from public sources

* Though directory information may be released without student consent, information of this nature is only released for compelling reasons.

The University shall obtain written consent from students before disclosing any personally identifiable information from their education records with the exception of the directory information.

The receipt of a written request to release an education record electronically satisfies this requirement. Such written consent must specify:

  1. The records to be released
  2. The purpose of the disclosure
  3. Identify the party or class of parties to whom disclosure may be made and their address
  4. Do not designate a recipient fax number for requests, including academic transcripts; transcripts are not available via fax. If urgency exists, students are advised to request the delivery of an electronic transcript, via Parchment.
  5. Must be signed and dated by the student or former student

An institution may release personally identifiable information from a student's educational record without the student's written consent as required under federal law if the disclosure meets one or more of the conditions as defined under the Exceptions to Written Consent Requirement (§99.31).

The law authorizes students and former students the right to inspect and review information contained in their education records.

Students can submit written requests to the Office of the Registrar. Once a request is received, The Office of the Registrar is required to make the records available for inspection and review within 45 days.

FERPA allows disclosure of educational records or their components under certain conditions. Students desiring additional information on FERPA may contact the Office of The Registrar.

Student Grievance Procedure

It is the policy of Embry-Riddle to administer its educational programs in a fair, equitable, academically sound manner and in accordance with the appropriate regulations and criteria of its governing board, accrediting associations, and federal and state laws and regulations. To this end, students are provided an opportunity to express any complaint, grievance, or dispute that, upon investigation, may be remedied. Further information on the appropriate handling of a grievance is located under the Student Rights and Responsibilities (/prescott/student-life/dean/student-rights/) section of the catalog.

Appeals concerning previously assigned grades are specifically addressed through the academic administrative chain, beginning with the course instructor (see Grade Appeal Process above).

Transcript Requests

To obtain an official transcript, student should complete a request online or through the Office of the Registrar. A fee is charged for each transcript. Transcripts will not be released to students who have failed to meet their financial obligations to the University. Students may request the delivery of an electronic or mailed transcript at this website managed by Credentials Inc.