In the 2024-2025 Catalog

Global Conflict Studies (GCS)


GCS 101  Introduction to Global Conflict Studies  3 Credits (3,0)

An introduction of the issues and concepts related to the study of peace and conflict and a survey of historical and contemporary examples of how individuals, groups and nation-states have waged conflict and sought to make and keep the peace.

GCS 115  Introduction to International Relations  3 Credits (3,0)

Theories, concepts, and issues in international politics. Relations among nation-states and the global world system; how globalization may be changing the nature of politics. Conflict and security; international political economy; and contemporary issues. Incorporates political science, history, and philosophy.

GCS 199  Special Topics in Global Conflict Studies  1-6 Credit

Individual independent or directed studies of selected topics.

GCS 204  Introduction to Research Methods  3 Credits (3,0)

Practice of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Digital content analysis; statistical analysis; interviewing; survey research.
Prerequisites: GCS Majors only

GCS 208  Human Geography  3 Credits (3,0)

The diffusion of cultures, economic development, political systems, and population change upon the physical landscape; extensive use of GIS in instruction, assessment, and learning.

GCS 299  Special Topics in Global Conflict Studies  1-6 Credit

Individual independent or directed studies of selected topics.

GCS 300  International Conflict Resolution  3 Credits (3,0)

The course will expose students to different kinds of organized, violent conflicts that exist in today's world, will examine different theories seeking to explain why and how they have occurred, and will discuss and analyze military, economic, diplomatic, legal, and nation-building conflict resolution.
Prerequisites: SS 110 or GCS 115 or SS 120

GCS 302  Gender Security  3 Credits (3,0)

Theories, concepts, and issues in gender security. Considers different analytical approaches to gender as applied to security issues. Topics include gender inequality and international conflict; gender and power mechanisms such as ideology, economics, military, and politics; the gendered character of terrorism, war and political violence; and UN efforts to combat sexual exploitation in multilateral peace operations. This is a discussion-led course, based heavily on weekly readings on topics ranging from theory to practice. Incorporates political science, history, philosophy, international relations, and political theory to provide students with a strong understanding in why nations are in conflict.
Prerequisites: SS 110 or GCS 115 or SS 120

GCS 304  Political Violence  3 Credits (3,0)

This course examines various forms of political violence and introduces theories explaining why actors carry out these different types of violent behaviors. It explores violence such as insurgency, civil war, revolution, terrorism, slavery, torture, and genocide. Through examining historical case studies and contemporary events from comparative and international perspectives, the course investigates the interests and motives of state and non-state actors in committing acts of violence.
Prerequisites: SS 110 or GCS 115 or SS 120

GCS 306  Theories of Nations and Nationalism  3 Credits (3,0)

This course will present and discuss vexing security challenges facing an increasingly globalized world through the lens of nationalism. This course analyzes the role of ideology, identity, demos, and elite actors in nation building. We will discuss theories of nationalism, the creation of the nation, nationalism and culture, patriotism, and genocide. This is a discussion-led course, based heavily on weekly readings on topics ranging from theory to practice.
Prerequisites: SS 110 or GCS 115 or SS 120

GCS 308  Transnational Crime  3 Credits (3,0)

An examination of historical, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of transnational crime with an emphasis on key aspects of narcotics use, abuse, and control within and across national borders.
Prerequisites: SS 110 or GCS 115 or SS 120

GCS 310  International Political Economy  3 Credits (3,0)

Relationship between politics and the economy on an international scale, with analysis of the relationships between governments, international organizations and corporations in resolving conflicts and facilitating trade cooperation.

GCS 312  Understanding the European Union  3 Credits (3,0)

Origins, process, and political institutions of the European integration, and contextualization of the role and history of the European Union in the global framework.

GCS 314  Religion, Conflict, and Peace  3 Credits (3,0)

Dynamics of religion, conflicts, and peace in different times and locales, placing contemporary events into larger historical, social, political, economic, and religious contexts.

GCS 322  Modern Russian History  3 Credits (3,0)

Overview of the land, the people, the culture and the history of Russia with emphasis on its historical development and impact of the latter on current events and policies on the world scene.
Prerequisites: Lower-level General Education Social Science Equivalent

GCS 326  Russian-U.S. Relations  3 Credits (3,0)

The development of Russian-American economic and political relations, emphasizing the era of the twentieth century.
Prerequisites: SS Lower Level General Education Equivalent or any lower level SS or GCS course

GCS 333  U.S. - Asian Relations  3 Credits (3,0)

The development of United States-Asian political, cultural, economic & military relations, from their beginnings in the nineteenth century to the present; domestic and foreign motivations for U.S. expansion into and building of an American empire in the Pacific and the various impacts that that empire had on Asian nations including wars fought between the United States and Asians.
Prerequisites: SS Lower Level General Education Equivalent or SS or GCS lower level course

GCS 334  Contemporary Africa and the World  3 Credits (3,0)

A historical examination of Africa's land, societies, and cultures with a focus on the political and economic changes and challenges that have marked the continent's relations with major world powers during and after the Cold War.
Prerequisites: Lower Level General Education Equivalent.

GCS 336  The Modern Middle East in World Affairs  3 Credits (3,0)

Historical examination of the land, societies, cultures, economics and politics of Middle East from World War I to present; examines mix of religious, social, political, and international forces that shaped region's politics over the last century.
Prerequisites: SS Lower Level General Education Equivalent or lower level SS or GCS course

GCS 337  Globalization and World Politics  3 Credits (3,0)

Study of contemporary debate on globalization and global world order. Key topics include sovereignty; multinational corporations; international trade; environmental degradation; terrorism; crime; human rights; democracy; technology.
Prerequisites: SS Lower Level General Education Equivalent or any lower level SS or GCS course

GCS 353  Early U.S. Foreign Policy  3 Credits (3,0)

This course explores the cultural, economic, political and social aspects of U.S. foreign policy from the Colonial Era through World War I.
Prerequisites: SS Lower Level General Education Equivalent.

GCS 363  Inter-American Relations  3 Credits (3,0)

The development of US-Latin American political, cultural, economic and military relations relations from their beginnings in the nineteenth century to the present.
Prerequisites: SS Lower Level General Education Equivalent SS 327 or SS 340 or any lower level SS or GCS course

GCS 400  Topics in Global Conflict Studies  3 Credits (3,0)

The study of global conflict including political, economic, environmental, religious and social causes as well as its impact on the individual, cultures, ethnic groups and nations, and the historical and contemporary theories and methodologies used to prevent, mitigate or resolve such conflicts. Course topics vary according to instructor and are subject to approval by the department chair. May be repeated for credit when topics change.
Prerequisites: GCS 300 or GCS 302 or GCS 304 or GCS 306 or GCS 308

GCS 475  Senior Thesis in Global Conflict Studies  3 Credits (3,0)

Students will write a thesis involving original research on a topic related to Global Conflict Studies in order to illustrate their research and analytical abilities as well as synthesize their knowledge of related theories, concepts, and issues.
Prerequisites: GCS 490

GCS 490  Capstone in Global Conflict Studies  3 Credits (3,0)

Complete a research project as culmination of the major. Identify a specific question, gather primary source data, organize a literature review, select appropriate research design and methodologies, produce an original analytical work, defend in oral presentation.
Prerequisites: SS 207 and any GCS 400 level course

GCS 499  Special Topics in Global Conflict Studies  1-6 Credit

Individual independent or directed studies of selected topics.