In the 2024-2025 Catalog

Spanish (LSP)


LSP 101  Spanish I  3 Credits (3,0)

Basic grammar and reading. Introduction to conversation. Not open to students with two or more years of high school Spanish or the equivalent

LSP 102  Spanish II  3 Credits (3,0)

A continuation of LSP 101.
Prerequisites: LSP 101

LSP 201  Spanish III  3 Credits (3,0)

A continuation of LSP 102.
Prerequisites: LSP 102

LSP 202  Spanish IV  3 Credits (3,0)

A continuation of LSP 201. Students will enhance their speaking skills, learn advanced forms of grammar, and begin reading and formal writing.
Prerequisites: LSP 201

LSP 299  Special Topics in the Spanish Language  1-6 Credit

Individual independent or directed studies of selected topics.

LSP 301  Intermediate Grammar and Composition  3 Credits (3,0)

This course is designed to develop the students communicative abilities in Spanish as well as their knowledge of Hispanic cultures and societies. Although the course emphasizes the correct use of written Spanish grammar, lexicon, and orthography, the student will also practice communication through speaking, listening, and reading. The student will have the opportunity to broaden his or her knowledge about the different cultures and societies encompassing the Hispanic world by critically thinking and writing about relevant issues found in short stories, essays, and movies from prominent writers and directors from Hispanic America and Spain. The prerequisite for this course is completion of LSP 202 or equivalent.
Prerequisites: LSP 202

LSP 302  Intermediate Conversation and Composition  3 Credits (3,0)

This course develops the students communicative abilities in Spanish. The course provides an overview of topics pertinent to the Hispanic world through short stories, essays, and movies from prominent writers and directors. The student will have the opportunity to broaden his or her knowledge about the different cultures encompassing the Hispanic world by critically thinking and discussing about issues relevant to the Hispanic world. The prerequisite for this course is completion of LSP 202 or equivalent.
Prerequisites: LSP 202

LSP 399  Special Topics in Spanish Language  1-6 Credit

Individual independent or directed studies of selected topics.

LSP 499  Special Topics in Spanish Language  1-6 Credit

Individual independent or directed studies of selected topics.